zaterdag 13 februari 2010

In Praise Of Folly

From - In Praise Of Folly

Since the human race insists on being completely crazy – since everybody from the Pope down to the humblest of village priests – from the richest of men to the most miserable of paupers – from the fine lady in her silks down to the slut in her calico dressing-gown – since the whole world has firmly set its heart against using its God-given brain but insists upon letting itself be entirely guided by its greed, its vanity, and its ignorance, why in the name of a reasonable Deity should the few truly intelligent people waste so much of their time and their effort in trying to change the human race into something it never wanted to be?

woensdag 27 januari 2010


Running through the woods, mad with ecstacy. We got lost in the rain while trying to forget the pain Kronos bestowed upon us in his chaotic rage. We fell upon our knees before the serpents vine, as we drenched out bodies in wine. Everything was clear, we now knew. I was Dyionysus!

zaterdag 9 januari 2010

The essence of god - by Baruch Spinoza

Proposition 1: A substance is prior in nature to its affections.

Proposition 2: Two substances having different attributes have nothing in common with one another. (In other words, if two substances differ in nature, then they have nothing in common).

Proposition 3: If things have nothing in common with one another, one of them cannot be the cause of the other.

Proposition 4: Two or more distinct things are distinguished from one another, either by a difference in the attributes [i.e., the natures or essences] of the substances or by a difference in their affections [i.e., their accidental properties].

Proposition 5: In nature, there cannot be two or more substances of the same nature or attribute.

Proposition 6: One substance cannot be produced by another substance.

Proposition 7: It pertains to the nature of a substance to exist.

Proposition 8: Every substance is necessarily infinite.

Proposition 9: The more reality or being each thing has, the more attributes belong to it.

Proposition 10: Each attribute of a substance must be conceived through itself.

Proposition 11: God, or a substance consisting of infinite attributes, each of which expresses eternal and infinite essence, necessarily exists. (The proof of this proposition consists simply in the classic “ontological proof for God's existence”. Spinoza writes that “if you deny this, conceive, if you can, that God does not exist. Therefore, by axiom 7 [‘If a thing can be conceived as not existing, its essence does not involve existence’], his essence does not involve existence. But this, by proposition 7, is absurd. Therefore, God necessarily exists, q.e.d.”)

Proposition 12: No attribute of a substance can be truly conceived from which it follows that the substance can be divided.

Proposition 13: A substance which is absolutely infinite is indivisible.

Proposition 14: Except God, no substance can be or be conceived.


From a forum on death and black metal comes this amazingly accurate definition of metalcore

A post-metal genre which rejects the metal style of narrative composition for the post-hardcore style of intense unrelated diversity, borrowing riffs from rock, funk, jazz, metal, emo, punk and playing them in odd tempi and with abrupt changes.

Melodic metal with a lot of breakdowns, but most people lump so many different styles in with it that you can’t really say. Most of it (the stuff I call metalcore anyway) is gateway stuff, kind of the next step up from radio rock.

Metalcore today is something completely different, It still fuses Hardcore and Metal (General Metal, NOT Thrash).. But it has a modern twist on it and focuses on the "Post" aspects so it bearly resembles the early sounds of Metalcore.

What I mean is that bands like Earth Crisis and Strife started working with a thicker more metallic guitar sound, adding groove to their music and using (very striped down) metal style break downs. At the time people were calling it “metallic hardcore”. Those elements are mainly the parts of hardcore that survive in today’s metalcore.

You can't tell me that the trendcore bands of today are using breakdowns in the same manner and DM and thrash bands of the 80's and 90's.

Music that uses the metal skillset to write hardcore-style songs.

Metalcore takes the worst aspects of emo and nu-metal [not that there's many good aspects in the first place] and adds diluted melodic death metal with simple, radio-friendly riffs and catchy verse-chorus form.

melody + screams

melody + clean vox

chugging syncopation

sweep sweep sweep

chugging syncopation

back into melody + vocals

another breakdown

sweep sweep sweep

To me metalcore is just a bunch of newer bands with younger kids who know they have a very discriminating potential older audience who is versed in all the genres and the history of metal. As these youngsters create, they write with the aim to please absolutely fuckin' everybody within the same song. So in any given tune, i can hear Carcass/Arch Enemy, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Korn, Evanessance, Testament and Biohazard. All the genres are covered mostly and they think they've successfully blended them all to create a new style and therefore not only appease, but win over the elite. In other words, songs that make no fuckin' sense musically to those who think genres should maintain some boundaries within which one must operate.

Great movie lines

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest : “But I tried, didn’t I? Goddamnit, at least I did that.”

Patton : “Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly : “When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”

Jeremiah johnson : “Where you headed?” “Same place you are, Jeremiah: hell, in the end”

Ghostbusters : “Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god, you say ‘YES!’”

The Outsiders : “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.”

Manchurian Candidate : “There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that enter a room and turn the television set on, and those that enter a room and turn the television set off.”

The Usual Suspects : "A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."


Think about another world, one where no one perceives reality based on any idealistic or moral standards. A world where our view upon reality is based on self exploration, madness, embracing the continuity of nature , the laws of nature we are bound by and the chaotic world that gives birth both to beauty and love.

I believe this is a world schizophrenics live in. As well as shamans who'm live lives of extreme enlightenment in a world where nothing is bound by fear and hatred, but by love, beauty, death and horror.

But how do WE observe reality? Do we use our minds to calculate the existence of the phisical world around us? Or do we use measurements of morality and ideals set by both religions and civilization before us? Or by scientific measurements?

In my mind reality should be viewed as a whole, one action set into motion by another, you must acknowledge everything there is, not matter how horrifying it might be (death and suffering spring into beauty). Let your consciousness bread into a new world which you aren't the center of, break free into another dimension where there is a reality with out you and a you with out a reality. Do not pray to a god that lives in another world beyond this world. Praise the world you live in, act by its laws, embrace it's chaos and beauty and then you will be free.

I am you with another mask and you are me in another form.

"If there is a reality with out me, there is a me with out reality." - Matthew

maandag 4 januari 2010

Lewis Carroll

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
- Lewis Carroll