zaterdag 9 januari 2010


Think about another world, one where no one perceives reality based on any idealistic or moral standards. A world where our view upon reality is based on self exploration, madness, embracing the continuity of nature , the laws of nature we are bound by and the chaotic world that gives birth both to beauty and love.

I believe this is a world schizophrenics live in. As well as shamans who'm live lives of extreme enlightenment in a world where nothing is bound by fear and hatred, but by love, beauty, death and horror.

But how do WE observe reality? Do we use our minds to calculate the existence of the phisical world around us? Or do we use measurements of morality and ideals set by both religions and civilization before us? Or by scientific measurements?

In my mind reality should be viewed as a whole, one action set into motion by another, you must acknowledge everything there is, not matter how horrifying it might be (death and suffering spring into beauty). Let your consciousness bread into a new world which you aren't the center of, break free into another dimension where there is a reality with out you and a you with out a reality. Do not pray to a god that lives in another world beyond this world. Praise the world you live in, act by its laws, embrace it's chaos and beauty and then you will be free.

I am you with another mask and you are me in another form.

"If there is a reality with out me, there is a me with out reality." - Matthew

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